Jaro přišlo dřív než jsme čekali a golfík jsme na víkendy otevřeli.
Od 15:00 je restaurace Ranč rezervována pro uzavřenou společnost. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Z důvodu konání velké firemní akce je celý resort od pátku 17.1. (od 15:00) do neděle 19.1. pro veřejnost uzavřen.
Děkujeme všem za obrovskou účast, hlasovalo celkem přes 2000 lidí jak u nás přímo v resortu tak online na sociálních sítí a vítězem se stává....
Naše tradiční vánoční a novoroční dovolená je u konce a my se hlásíme zpět v plné síle!
Na poslední adventní víkend chystáme završení naší první vánoční akce.
Vážení hosté od 23.12. se celý resort uzavře a budeme čerpat dovolenou až do 5.1.2025
První soutěžní výstava vánočních stromečků školek a škol z okolí. Přijeďte ohodnotit ten nejkrásnější
Nabízíme vám exkluzivní prostory pro váš vánoční večírek. Rezervujte si termín včas!
Prázdiny jsou za námi a na měsíc září jsme upravili otevírací dobu
Z důvodu konání svatební hostiny je v sobotu 27.7. restaurace Ranč otevřena od 14h.
Due to a private event, the entire resort will be closed on Thursday
We have one last chance to get together before the season and enjoy some resort teambuilding. Thank you for your understanding.
Children, look out! For this season we have prepared new air trampolines, which you can find between Bašta and Bistro.
Od 30. dubna budeme mít otevřeno každý den až do 22:00. Stavte se tedy kdykoliv po práci na večeři nebo jedno čepované!
Naše kuchyň si pro vás připravila speciální velikonoční menu
O Velikonocích bude naše restaurace otevřena na večeře každý den od čtvrtka do pondělí
Velikonoce letos odstartují letošní putting golfovou sezónu.
We decided to postpone the reconstruction by a week to take advantage of the beautiful spring weather that is forecast for the weekend.
Spring temperatures have arrived at our resort and we welcome it with an exceptional opening of putting golf.
From Monday 8th January 2024 we have opened after the Christmas holiday
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones or business partners? Give the gift of Resort Svět
On Friday 10.11. we will start serving our traditional St. Martin's menu from lunchtime
A beautiful setting for up to 100 people, accommodation, perfect catering, decoration, program and more.
On Friday, 5.5. at 1 p.m. we will have a ceremony of consecration of our statue of Christ by Mr. Cardinal Dominik Duka to which you are all invited
From Saturday 22 April we open our course and another putting golf season begins. We look forward to your visit.
We have adjusted our opening hours for Easter. We invite you to dinner from Thursday 6.4. until Easter Monday.
We will prepare a Christmas party that will be talked about in your company for a long time to come.
The show "Everything I Love" on ČT1 was filmed in our resort in the summer!
Wellness stay is one of the best relaxing experiences in the world. We have written down several reasons why it is worth investing in wellness.
Sauna is the alpha and omega of detoxification of the body. At the same time, it provides pain relief and stimulates immunity. But there are many more positive effects, and we have focused on them in more detail in this update.
Whether you are looking for affordable accommodation just outside Prague, a gift for your loved ones, quality food, a place to hold a wedding, or just a simple rest. Our Resort is here for you.
Pension Svět has 18 air-conditioned apartments. They are suitable for both short-term and long-term accommodation. Moreover, with a unique travel theme. Travel with us.
Read moreDoes anyone around you deserve a rest? Or do you have freshly in love lovebirds around you? Get them our gift voucher for a wellness stay.
read moreDon't know where to hold a wedding? Look no further. During the whole period of our existence, we have arranged hundreds of beautiful weddings with us. Just choose a place for the ceremony and then in which of our restaurant the feast will take place.
Read moreWe offer you a congress centre with a capacity of up to 60 people. Take advantage of the opportunity to realize your corporate training, teambuilding, workshops in complete privacy.
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