Prodej vánočních stromků od 30.11.

od 8.3. hrajeme o víkendech

hřiště v březnu o víkendech již v provozu

Počasí nás příjemně překvapilo a my se pro vás rozhodli hřiště na víkendy otevřít za mimo sezónní ceník. V pracovním týdnu bude nadále hřiště uzavřeno a budeme pracovat na dalších předsezónních úpravách a každoroční údržbě všech drah.

Toalety na golfu budou v březnu mimo provoz. Jelikož budujeme nové toalety na golfu, budou během března mimo provoz. Využijte prosím toalety v recepci pensionu nebo v restauraci Ranč. Děkujeme za pochopení.

Co je putting golf? Jde vlastně o minigolfovou disciplínu, kde hrajete běžnou golfovou holí a golfovým míčkem na minigolfových drahách z velice kvalitní umělé trávy a překonáváte přírodní překážky. V ceně vstupného je již zahrnuto jejich zapůjčení. O správný výběr hole se postará naše vyškolená obsluha. Jedná se o fyzicky nenáročnou hru, vhodnou jak pro děti, rekreační hráče, tak i seniory.

Máte na starosti firemní akci, nebo ztmelovací teambuilding? Nabízíme také služby pro firmy.

Game reservation is only necessary for larger groups of 10 or more.
+420 602 602 119, or write to

golf price list

Zastávka s občerstvením

Otevřeme opět s jarní golfovou sezónou

V našem Bistru najdete lehké občerstvení ke golfíku, nebo k toulkám po našem areálu. Samozřejmostí jsou nápoje, zmrzliny a dezerty.

Naše 19. jamka, tedy letní bistro, bude doplněk k naší restauraci Ranč, která bude i v roce 2025 otevřena i během léta a bude fungovat jako hlavní gastronomické místo.

putting golf

Our putting golf course is the first 36-hole certified course in the Czech Republic.

The individual lanes are variously modelled and resemble golf greens. Although there are some holes with borders, they serve mainly to prevent the ball from ending up on the next hole or out of play. Only in a few cases can the natural mantels be used for direct bounce and play on the hole.

Of course, after good practice, this bounce can also be practiced. In the case where the ball leaves the playing surface of the green or foregreen, it is also possible to play from natural grass or pavement. This is a significant difference from similar courses, e.g. adventure golf.

Here you do not play the classic 18 holes, as is usual, but 36 holes. In fact, each of the 18 fairways offers the possibility of playing two holes. We leave both holes uncovered and it is up to you and your group which holes you decide to play. We will reveal that some of them are modeled as harder holes and others as easier holes, which you will see for yourself during the game. :-)

Price list

Vstupné je nově časově neomezené. Ceník je platný od 1. února 2025

Vedlejší sezóna (Duben a říjen)

220,- Kč
Children up to 4 years
Děti oD 5 do 14 let
140,- Kč
Seniors over 60 years
170,- Kč
Students (upon presentation of a card)
170,- Kč

Hlavní sezóna (Květen - září)

280,- Kč
Children up to 4 years
Děti oD 5 do 14 let
180- Kč
Seniors over 60 years
220,- Kč
Students (upon presentation of a card)
220,- Kč

visitor rules, game conditions and game rules

For your safety and experience of the game, please follow these rules of conduct on the course and golf etiquette.

Children under 10 years of age can play and enter the playground only if accompanied by an adult.
It is forbidden to walk on the green outside the game. Walking is allowed only on designated paths or sleeper walkways.
The playground is allowed only in clean and dry sports shoes. It is forbidden to enter artificial grass in heels.
Smoking is forbidden on the playground, except in designated areas, the so-called "smoking corners".
It is not allowed to wear glass or other sharp and dangerous objects on the playground.
Please keep order, garbage does not belong on the ground, but in the trash can. Strict ban on throwing away chewing gum.
It is forbidden to run dogs freely, always keep the dog on a leash.
Behave as considerately as possible to the surroundings, nature and the whole area.

Please follow these rules to avoid unnecessary problems together.

Terms of Play
Each player is required to abide by the rules of conduct on the course and the rules of the game, which are posted at the entrance to the course, attached to each scorecard and also posted on this website.
The price of admission includes the loan of a club, ball and scorecard and pencil and of course the use of the toilets.
At the end of play, each player will return the loaned club, pencil and ball to the attendant.
Please follow the instructions and information on the signs and markers on the course.
Every player, as well as any person on the course premises, is obliged to follow the instructions of the operator and the course operator. Failure to obey may be grounds for termination of play.

‍Formore information, please refer to the Visitor Regulations for more detailed information on the rules of use of our course. If anything is not clear to you feel free to email us at and we will be happy to explain.

Rules of the game
The course consists of 18 holes. Individual holes are numbered with serial numbers. Please observe the order of the holes. The holes are connected by walkways that will lead you to the next hole in the sequence.
Putting golf can be played by individuals or groups of players. The maximum recommended cast of one hole is 3 - 4 players.

When playing in a group, players can play sequentially in succession in a sequence determined by themselves, or alternate on individual holes in order, so that the player who achieved a lower result on the previous hole always begins.

Players are allowed to walk on holes during the game. Therefore, entry to the playground is allowed only in dry and clean shoes.
The ball must be played at the first strike from the base field, which must be clearly marked, but not from the area behind or next to the artificial grass. Marking means wooden arrows facing each other, which indicate an imaginary line.

The ball must be placed in the above territory with its entire volume.

As soon as the player sets the ball in motion, it is considered a ball in play. The player may proceed to further strikes only after the ball has completely stopped. During the game, no objects may be placed in the area of the entire hole. The term hole means the entire playing area (including the base field), including all obstacles. The ball must not be played in the air and must constantly (except in the holes, when the ball is put into the air by such a hole built – for example, through small watercourses) remain in contact with the surface of the hole.

Exceptions are only:
Game from bunker - "banker" - (sand obstacle protecting the green, natural or artificial depression)
Game of roughe - "rafu" - (dense higher grass)
Game of forgreen - "forgrýnu" - (the so-called collar of the hole with higher grass)
Game from a water obstacle - (pond, river, stream, canal or other water area)

In these cases, a chip ("chip") may be used, i.e. a low stroke to approach the hole with the ball itself running. Before this strike, however, the ball must in no case be on the base field, or located outside the area of the boards (playing area), with the exception of holes that do not have boards or have boards only in certain parts of the holes:
- if the ball leaves the hole in the area where the boards are located, only rules 11 and 12 apply
- if the ball leaves the hole in an area where the barriers are not located, it is possible to apply rules 11 and 12, or to use an exception to rule No. 10

Another game through the air is considered an offense and the player must start the game again from the base field or the place from where he played the forbidden blow. For this offense, the player receives one penalty shot.

When the ball in the game jumps out of the area of the boards (playing area) and returns to the playing field again, it must be placed in the place where it left the playing area and the player continues to play from this point without giving a penalty strike.

When the ball in the game jumps outside the area of the boards (playing area) and remains outside the playing area, it can also be played from this place. If the player does not want to play outside the playing area, he places the ball in a place at a distance of 8 inches (equivalent to the 20 cm marked on the score-card), where he has left the playing area and the player continues to play from this point with the award of one penalty strike. Moving the ball in the slope. When the ball in the game jumps outside the area of the boards (playing area) on the slope and cannot be put into a resting position when placed, the player can place it back closer to the base field. But as close as possible to the slope.

A game uphill. During the game on a hole that is built uphill, a weak or strong strike can cause the ball to return to the base field. If the ball remains anywhere on the base field, even in the higher artificial grass (forgreen), it must be played from that place, without a penalty strike. If the ball also leaves the base field, it must be placed on the base field at a distance of 8 inches (equivalent to the 20 cm marked on the score-card) in the direction in which it left the base field area, and the player scores one penalty shot.
If the ball stops at a barrier or obstacle, it can be moved perpendicularly to a length of 6– 8 inches (equivalent to the 20 cm marked on the score-card).

If the ball stops at a point where the perpendicular fold is blocked by an obstacle, the ball must in no case be moved into a direct view of the hole.

Watercourses. If the ball crossed a bridge that crosses a watercourse and then returned to the water, it must be transferred to the place where it ended up in the water. The player scores one penalty shot. If the ball ended up in a watercourse before the bridge was crossed, it must be moved to the place where it ended up in the water. The player scores one penalty shot.
The aim of the game is to deliver the ball in as few strokes as possible from the basic position to the hole. The winner is the player with the smallest sum of strokes on all holes.

Play on the hole is terminated when the ball ends up in the hole, or when the maximum number of allowed strokes, which is 6 strokes, is exhausted. If it is not possible to achieve a hole for 6 strokes, the player receives one penalty shot and writes the result 7 in the score-card. All achieved results are recorded in the score-cards of all players in the group.

Players can touch the ball in the game only under the supervision of teammates in the group or under the supervision of the referees (the exception is only translating from the board). The ball must always be visible. If the ball is raised for cleaning, its position must be marked in advance.

Each player is responsible for the cleanliness of the entire hole. It is allowed to remove dirt from the playing area, while the ball is not yet put into play. Cleaning is allowed even before the second and subsequent blows.

If the ball is in play, it must not be intentionally influenced by any persons. If the ball is prevented from getting in the way by a large natural (for example, a fallen branch) or other unpredictable influences, a repetition of the strike may be used, unless the player gains an unfair advantage.

If a large natural ball (such as a fallen branch, an animal) or other unpredictable influences move an already clearly stopped ball, the ball is moved back to the place where it originally stopped.